8 liter 5 liter 3 liter puzzle
100% Simplified way to solve 8 liter 5 liter 3 liter puzzle Inspiration: Inspiration behind this set of posts is to provide simplified solution to the water measurement problems. This post will provide step by step guide to solve such problems with logic. 8 liter 5 liter 3 liter puzzle Problem Statement: You have 3 water jugs, 8 liter water jug, 5 liter water jug and 3 liter water jug. 8 liter water jug is filled completely with water. Now we have to measure that water 4 liter each, that means we need to measure that water in 4, 4 liter in 2 different jugs. Solution: Here we need to measure 4,4 liter in 2 different water jugs. If we are able to measure 4 liter water in one jug then we will automatically get 4 liter left out water. Step 1: Fill 5 liter jug from 8 liter jug and put 3 liter water into 3 liter jug. Now, 8 liter jug will have 3 liter water. 5 liter jug will have 3 liter water. 3 liter jug will have 3 liter water. Step 2: Put 3 liter wate...